CHANG progress notes - 1/13/2020
ChangKaBang! - Progress Notes 1.13.20
Greetings, and welcome to the first Progress Notes devlog for ChangKaBang!
During the time between the demo release (v0.11) and now, there has been a plethora of updates, changes, and additions to the destructive changy experience. The first of the many things that are worth noting in the devlog would be...

As for something to note here, Pipchang was indeed the very first model made for the project-- it was absolutely inevitable for me to go ahead and revise him further to give him a little more personality to his in-game design. He looks far more animated and true to his official artwork design than his previous model iterations, coming in with a separate mesh for his mouth and a more refined tooth to boot.
Additionally-- as seen with these screen-caps, there is a new stage under development demonstrating a brand new seasonal theme, "Glacier Park"! This stage will be set within one of the four seasonal districts of the City

- - Fixed weapon-switching on enable while swinging a melee weapon and shooting with the SEEKR gun.
- - Fixed 'Focus Mode' camera as it had some mouse and game-pad input issues on certain computers.
- - Fixed Hoverboard Switch on enable from getting stuck while jumping and turning at the same time.
- - Adjusted timestamp and locked FPS to 60 in application run-time.
- -Hoverboard Spin-Drifting has been entirely reworked and has overall better control.
- -Updated mesh weights on certain models.
- -Toned down and applied doppler for when the cars honk.
- -Added a dialog system with a Vox.
- -Added Citizens!
- -Balanced Pipchang's surface and hover movements.
- -A Main Menu has been added to the game, in which includes a Video Settings menu and an Audio Settings menu.
- -Applied an ObjectPool method to reoccuring objects such as weapon bullets, which (hopefully) increases performance drastically.
- -Updated and polished "The Wick" weapon, curses now have a max limit and will disappear over time determining on weapon level.
- -Melee weapon charge effects are added!
- -Karma percentage is now displayed.
- -Target names are now displayed upon hitting them rather than killing them.
*I probably haven't covered precisely everything, but it's all I can remember for now!
Thank you for your interest in the game and to anyone who is watching/following/has donated towards the project. If you'd like to support or read more on my project, you may do so on my Patreon @:
It's nothing but pure and rich anarchy here!
More posts
- ChangKaBang - New Version Released! (2020e17a)Jun 05, 2020
- Chang Version 2020e11b Reivision BuildMar 28, 2020
- ChangKaBang - New Version Released! (2020e11)Mar 24, 2020
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