Atlyss Singleplayer Demo 0.9.2a Released

Atlyss Singleplayer Alpha Demo 0.9.2a Released

A new version of the current alpha demo is out. May adjustments were made, and a small amount of additions. 

**NOTE: Didn't have the time to implement in new fist weapons. There are new bows to get though.

Bows now require ammunition. Arrows can be dropped by enemies and purchased from the store. You can put the arrows in the hotbar on the bottom right to see the quantity you have.

Here's the revised changelog:

  • Golem Cores will now stack up to 99, alleviating the bug that ghosts your items upon quest turn in for now. Will be refactoring inventory system in the future to fully fix any item related issue.
  • Fighter and Mystic skills damage output increased drastically.
  • Weapon damage outputs slightly decreased to make skills more of a higher priority to use.
  • Decreased Mouth Poison aoe collider.
  • Fixed slime diva slime pillar aoe working against your heavy melee charge attack collider, causing damage to you.
  • Wizboars no longer deal persistent damage.
  • Optimization updates given to the Crescent Keep.
  • Resolution dropdown setting fixed.
  • Added inverted camera controls for both the X and Y axis.
  • Limited player character proportions will now be turned on by default. You will need to toggle it off in the settings menu to revert it.
  • Added quantity purchasing to the store.
  • Melee attacking buffed drastically. Small knockbacks will no longer cancel air attacks and unless if the knockback is very strong, you will not jump back often if you're currently  in attacking animation.
  • Adjusted enemy arenas and what they spawn in Crescent Keep.
  • Hitstuns are more common to occur for enemies if you are higher level than them. Additionally increased enemy hitstun chance for light, medium and heavy damage types.
  • Re-done quest selection menu to easily locate what quests are repeatable or single.
  • More bows added.
  • Charge attack for light melee weapons added.

Files 99 MB
May 10, 2024


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Many of my friends and I are so excited for this game. it brings us comfort! Really really hoping you don't give up on the multiplayer!!! I'll be showing this to many people.

i really enjoy the demo, this has to be one of the few unity games my pc can run


quite excited to see this game evolve and grow to release i feel this is something me and my partner and friends are all gunna enjoy it a fun retro style action rpg with fun simple gameplay only issue ran into so far since started is slime diva damage seemed lil ludicrious kept getting insta killed even at level 10


how do i install the update but keep my save data


very nice, once it comes out on steam/fully releases I will definitely play consistently!


Would the game be compatible for modding? Workshop content wise, such as making the proportions sliders even more absurd, etc etc.. asking for a friend :^)

Deleted 243 days ago
(1 edit)

I mean the game already have suggestive jiggle physics, so there is already potential for such mods. The only problem is, if its permitted to mod it


why does no one else find jiggle physics funny?


the are


Can you embiggen in this game?





The only  few complaints I have is that I can't use the dye to paint my gear, and that the color slider is not correct to the color you are selecting when creating a character.


played the demo, it was really good, I gotta say, it might be something I may play everyday