ATLYSS Build 3.4.8a Released!

- Atlyss 3.4.8a Singleplayer Demo Released -

This update is meant to make the singleplayer experience a lot more tolerable and more tuned for solo play.

  • Enemy defenses lowered, but max health and damage output increased
  • Shop now scales with the players level (only up to 7 at the moment)
  • Shop sells gear items for the unlucky rng experience
  • Class tome quests now provide gear
  • New Catacombs Hard Mode weapon drop from the loot table
  • Reworked fighter skills such as blood gush scaling with Attack Power
  • Reworked stamina system, charge attacks that are not magical use stamina as a resource
  • Stamina regeneration much faster
  • Non-bulwark parry window increased, parry stagger time increased, ability to parry multiple targets more easily
  • Increased hit iframe buffer
  • Made bells a little more powerful / effective
  • Increased respawn times on multiple enemy spawners
  • Locked off the unfinished / unpolished maps such as tuul peak and the gate of the moon / beyond for now

To find your character files from the last demo, they are located within this directory:

Files 126 MB
23 days ago


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Excuse me, sorry for bother, but I accidently took the wrong class, I wanted Warrior but I took Mystic by accident, there's any way of me being able to change my class?

Btw, I loving the game so far, I play since the first version, I more than ecxited to play online with my friends! Keep the good work, I looking foward to get this game on my Steam to relax and have fun!

i absolutely love this game! though i still cant figure out how to enable multiplayer.

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Firstly Gotta Say Absolutely Loving the Game so far, Was Really hyped for Bandit's implementation was alil Shocked to see you removed the Arrow Collection Ammo Requirements for Bow certainly makes it more useable, rather than just being a Long Range Aggro Tool before swapping to the Katars until you were sitting on a decent stock pile. [Though Adding Additional Arrow Types to the Poison Arrow Skill that can be Rotated like Poison(DoT)/Snare(Stun)/Explosive(AoE)/Thorns(Area Denial) would be pretty Amazing]
I Will say though, Bow skills, Volley in particular, can we get some kinda marker or means to Aim where it will come down, possibly targeting the foe you're locked onto. cause so far trying to play it by ear and Guesstimate where it will fall alongside if it'll come out in time to actually hit something coming at you is just a tad vexing. (i'm gettin better at it but it's very easy to fire it past the target or right over them only for them to outrun it approaching me before the arrows come down.)

Aside from that I found a Scroll that let me Learn Spread shot and I really think it should be the Main Stay skill swapped for Volley,

I Say this because it was Such a Game Changer getting that one skill  as up until I got it Handling Mixed Groups of Enemies as a Bandit was an Absolute Nightmare there's really no good solutions once a Group of Foes get up on you Especially Wisps and Geists the Geists have an Obvious Wind up for attacks that you can see coming from ages away, But those Danged ole Wisps Especially the Toxics They can Hardly be Seen Winding up in a Crowd before suddenly they're Bull Dozing through you and since they're over lapping in a Crowd Bow can't really focus one target, and Katars struggle with being Surrounded due to it's understandably short Range, would it be Possible to make the Katars move a bit Further when you strike while holding a Direction making it a more Mobile Melee option Before you unlock the Diving Spiral Strike from mastery? 

just a suggestion, I'm like level 14 now on my Bandit and once you're Up there and can get important Skills like Bomb Trap, Agility, Bow Mastery and especially once you find the Spread Shot Scroll Handling Combating Groups becomes Way more Manageable without having to Resort to Cheesing it by getting Maybe 2 shots off before Constantly Spamming Bounce and Dash to Run All Over the place to not get Wombo Comboed into Oblivion.


I hope that you revert the difficulty changes or allow us to have a harder setting for players who want more of a challenge, game is tons of fun either way tho thx for all the effort you've put into it.

The pace of the enemies feels way better now. Im no longer in need of constant running and dash attacking.


The previous update was rewarding, and this update fixes the 'still using starter gear issue', about the only issue I had with the games difficulty previously was the green toxic wisps being an ass to fight. 


Wow this is update is so nice but my character file from the last demo is rip ;))

You can transfer them to the new version, just copy the "profileCollections' folder of the previous version and drop it inside "Atlyss_Data" folder. Boom, all your characters are transfered.

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i know but i deleted it 


I like this update, as it presents some pleasant changes. The difficulty for me in the prior release was rewarding to get through, though there were plenty of times that I felt a little unfairly overwhelmed by the upper level wisps (the Miasmas and the other, purple ones). With the added health, I am feeling thankfully less overpowered at my maximum level. Weak enemies often take two charged or aerial attacks now instead of one, which is plenty for me! lol 

With the new update to the upper level wisps, I feel the lingering hitbox issue is dealt with, though I cannot tell if at max level I am outmaneuvering them, or if the distance of their attack's dash has been shortened to be much shorter than the player's E dash. In the prior patch, it felt as if an E dash would be too short to escape their attacks, but now it's almost more than enough to avoid an attack. It seems as if there's a balance between two things: (1) the length that the attack hitbox lingers; and (2) the distance their attack dashes. I feel there may be a balance in between last patch and this patch, where the dash distance (#2) remains as long as it was in the prior patch, while the hitbox (#1) lingers as long as it does in the current patch, if not a split-second longer.  Fascinating how much of a difference these details make in enemy difficulty.

I have in the past thought that the charge attacks don't do enough damage compared to regular attacks, but it seems as if my opinion has changed the higher level I got and the heavier the crits hit with charged attacks compared to normal attacks. Great job with that!

The faster stamina recovery is much appreciated. Nice touch!

Trying out the Bandit class, I have noticed a slight movement quirk. For example, the only action you can do after a wall kick is an attack, and you can't influence your direction after the kick much, if at all. I have not taken the chance to use wall kicks in battle, yet, opting instead to just triple jump, turn around, dash, and then aerial attack with a shield cancel to maintain momentum upon landing.  If the reason for not being able to influence movement after a wall kick is that allowing influence may disorient players, then maybe a split-second lockout could allow players to regain their orientation while they are jumping up? These are just speculation, though, so take me with a grain of salt here...

Lastly, something that I think becomes a considerable hamper to movement is that any surface that acts like a steep hill shunts you too the ground to keep you from jumping off of them and potentially getting out of bounds. You've done a great job at preventing out of bounds glitches, in my experience, but this characteristic gets in the way during the boss battles. The sides of the platforms in the dungeon boss battles behave as steep hills, and often the player must back up while firing at the boss and its goons. This results in the player running into the wall, jumping to ascend to the raised platform, making contact with the side because their back is (for lack of a better phrase) up against the wall, and then being dragged down back to where they were,  with a brutal beat down ensuing until the player chooses to jump straight up before hitting a direction.    This whole scenario could be a major source of "too hard" claims, and a solution might be to just make it so that the sides of all platforms act like walls instead of "unclimbable hills." In other words, for any surface that is too steep for players to climb that isn't a wall, code them to behave like walls so that their movement is not interrupted by a "landing" response.

Regardless, way to go on this update. So much progress, and so much fun have been made with this game, which is something to be proud of!


This game is really coming together quite nicely. Good job

I really like this update, 2h warrior feels like a viable option and you even get to stunlock enemies without just jump spam.

That said, I think some enemies have lost some identity while some enemies gained it. For example the skulls were a menace but now are indistinguishable to slimes since you can take them out the same way. The scythe enemies are most distinct because they can get an attack out even when you’re fighting them, same goes for pig.

As levels increase I would like to see more of what we saw in the earlier build mixed with what we have now. More aggression, but now with more tools and options.

Thank you v much for all this work.


Some text missing


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Honestly I'm not going to update, I like the challenge. Although it would be pretty cool if you could choose which difficulty you play on.


Wow! How fast! :)


Thanks for the update! The Fighter feels really powerful now with the new scaling, and the shop will probably help players tackle the dungeon's higher levels.

Still, may I ask if scepters and katars are included on the boss drop table? I've been farming for a few days now, and just did 5 or 6 runs on the new update, but still no luck. I've managed to drop pretty much every other equipment thrice or so, but no katar/scepter yet.

Can I please get a confirmation that they are indeed included in the drop table? Maybe it's just my bad luck, but It's rather disheartening to run a 12-18 dungeon for the 30th time and get yet another Coldgeist Punisher...


Super glad for the new shop, look at the levels of the stuff on my lv10 character, I've even beaten the medium crypt twice (including the boss there) and this is the stuff I'm still running around with:

(Note: I tried farming for the blue slime gear, but none of it is dropping for some reason? More bad luck I guess.)

That said, just make sure the shop isn't overpowered or anything, it should probably still remain as a "backup", a bandaid fix for anyone with terrible RNG luck to fill in gaps.

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Normaly when you are able to buy gear in shops, its so that you have gear that is suitable for the current level you are at, while the gear you collect are supposed to be stronger/better then what the shop offer.
In other words, they should make buyable weapons and gear fixed on a level with standard stats, while lootables has chance of being way better then the store has.