Addressing Solo Difficulty

Thank you for giving the new demo a try. I am seeing a lot of complaints regarding the difficulty of the demo, and I'm hearing you and I apologize for it. I will be doing what I can to make things easier for the solo experience and release an update as soon as I can.

  • Sally will sell stronger equipment + updated shop window system.
  • Parrying an enemy that is within your level range will not cost stamina.
  • The quest to fight the boss in the catacombs will be raised in it's minimum level requirement and you will need to attune to this quest to be able to fight the boss .
  • There will be a quest to attune to hard mode.


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I just started playing the game today and I'm not sure if I'm doing something horribly wrong but I went to the first dungeon for levels 1-6 with my ranged magic character and a couple rooms into the dungeon I get put into a ridiculous situation where I get put in a small space with about 8 tar monsters and I have to juggle between spamming left click to kill them and spamming right click to try not to die instantly. I tried beating that room about 5 times, each time dying in seconds, before getting frustrated and quitting without killing a single one of them. Was I supposed to level up more and get better stuff before this dungeon or is it really just a skill issue?


Important questions first- Is there a head piece to the hostbun "Set" or am I wasting my time.

Dose sitting do anything?

Now on to my impressions - The hard catacomb gives off a much more dungeon feel then anything else with it's spinning traps but the miasma's have far to much health in relation to anything else in the dungeon while everything else has far to much stretch range for their attacks. 

I find that everything in the dungeon moves towards the player at a speed just above a fair level.

The thing that hurts the most is whenever the boss chest drop's something the player can't actually use.

Suggestions- Weigh the boss loot in the favor of the player's class.

A way to directly fight the boss after beating it 1 - 5 times per difficultly level.

A way to add small upgrades to item stats for a growing crown cost.

A few area's with scaling enemies so players can grind into oblivion.

An intrusive thought you can and should ignore- A weight system where over using consumables causes the player to become overweight making movement itself drain stamina resulting in the player having to sit still until stamina fully charges if they drain it completely as well as the possibility of the player being forced to sit for a full minute if they just don't stop abusing the items, weight would be lost through movement.

Again you can and should ignore that last thought.

I'd say something about the hard difficulty dungeon, but the changes pretty much solve the main issue while still keeping the challenge imo, though I have a few random suggestions that I feel would improve quality of life 

  • Let some of the equipment found in the hard dungeon have a small, but not too unreasonable chance to appear in the medium dungeon. I think this should be alright considering the level requirement for them being the same. [Though with the new changes this is probably not necessary...]
  • Some kind of way to see the drops & drop rates from enemies you've at least killed once, or chests in specific areas. Might just be a me thing, but I'm always paranoid if I'm missing a piece of armor or if some armor pieces don't have a set?
  •  Alternate storage space for individual characters separate from the main storage, Probably another me issue, but my storage is full of armor sets I've saved for cosmetics

Just wanna say though, I love how the game feels so far, and I'm really looking forward to future content!! :D 

The only other thing I'd suggest is more cosmetic options, but its alright cuz the current armor in the game can be used instead


Honestly I think the sanctum catacombs are way too long after dying especially if your lower leveled there should be a shortcut in the mid point. and toxins are way too tanky for what they are like maybe have them turn power down when you parry them.

and i feel like there's way too many enemies to deal with in a short time where they just pile up on you and the models start to inter lap with each other making it downright impossible to interpret the enemies attacks maybe by having a system where they take "turns" like having two enemies watch in the back and replace one another Or just ultimately  spawn less enemies.

which might have players to gain a bad habit of grinder lower enemies for hours maybe 

And cosmetics items I feel like should not take up slots in the dungeon chest especially for player progression maybe hide cosmetics in weird spots if you can or make them purchasable.

I hope this helps

I'm honestly hoping to start making games myself.


The game is, indeed, rather difficult, especially if you want to use a melee build. The hitstun isn't long enough, and healing is hard to come by. Of course, I may just be a scrub :P I was a bit sad that I had to go full ranged for the catacombs boss, because I love the heavy melee. But the boss is simply not made for melee builds, and guarding is almost pointless because you can't do it for very long, and getting hit makes you able to guard for even less time. I do like the parry system, however, just wish it stunned for longer.

The catacombs boss itself is also a biiiit unreasonable with the adds. Half the time I was focusing on them and praying the boss didn't get to me. I earnestly believe that the adds should either be their own separate phases (the boss waits to return until the adds are dead), and/or there are no more than two adds with the boss at a time.

Other than that, the difficulty is GREATLY subdued by the fact that death doesn't make you lose a thing and that it's both quick to return from and gets you back to full health. This is very generous, and I really appreciate it! The only problem is that this means enemies' health resets, which IS standard. This is especially painful for the catacombs boss; maybe consider having a mechanic where enemy health restores at a decent rate, but not immediately, so that if you get back fast enough, they haven't healed all the way? This does punish players who take the time to reconsider loadouts, though....

(Only other thing I'd like to see apart from even bigger belly max size is the ability to get as tall as the NPCs. Unless we're already "normal" heights and they're just freakin' giants because of what they are XD)


The game is very very difficult at the start and this might be a consequence of how stat scaling works. If everybody is close to 0, then a difference of 1 is a massive difference. It gets much easier as soon as you reach Lv. 10 and class change

The catacombs boss is so hard because, kind of like Dark Souls, combat in this game is a nightmare against more than 1 enemy. It would be one thing if he waited for you to kill the adds before returning, but he doesn't, and he spawns new ones as soon as the previous are gone.


Imo Invincibility frames need a huge buff. they feel better now in this version than 0.9 but some multi-hit attacks have also been nerfed since then so that might be the difference I notice. Slime Diva and the new ghostie boss feel very rough right now, and it's mostly because they can hit you 3-4 times before you can dash or get up from an attack, so I think an extra half a second of inv. frames would help a lot with swarms of enemies and multi-hit attacks! Maybe make parries give inv frames too?? Idk if that'd be too strong or not, but it would reward it far better (along with the new no-stamina-cost change!)

I haven't seen anyone else mention this so if someone has I apologize! ">w>


why are you guys so mean?
Why dont you try to make a game hmm?


Idk, whats going on? So far i've only seen people talking about some of the mechanics of the game and difficulty and whatnot. Who exactly is being mean so far? Im confused.

People are being aggressive


I think he's talking about the dislikes on the earlier posts, which makes since considering they seem pretty unwarranted given what was said... 


Melee in general just gets screwed, even if you build to be a tank, you get shredded too quick, and if you try to be a melee DPS, you don't wipe them quick enough to not get one-shot.

Ranged/magic is fine because they can just kite all they want and too few enemies in the game have ranged attacks to counter them, but melee gets hit by 100% of everything no matter what and get blended into a fine paste.

If it were me, one little bandaid fix I'd do is to lightly weigh drop rates of equipment a bit to lean in the direction of your build, probably using your manually-increased stats to do the math, so if a novice who only dumps points into STR gets an equipment drop, it's like 10% more likely that it'll be a melee weapon, or 20%, IDK.
Either this, or some kind of salvage+craft system that lets you recycle equipment into other equipment so we have a use for all the equipment we'll never use.

Like for real, the fact nearly half my level 12 character's equipment is stuff I got before even entering the catacombs because I can't find anything better is a bit BS, especially when trying to play a tank, probably the most equipment-dependent build of them all. Definitely looking forward to the better shop, anything to get me out of this lv2 equipment hell.


Personally I think the difficulty could be balanced with more hitstun, faster wind up. Using heavy melee for example, the jump attack applies pushback and hitstun more than any other move and you can spam it into a combo kill.


So, not sure if its intended, but jump, attack, block cancel, dash, repeat with the arm knifes basically kills any enemy i have encountered so far lol wasnt sure if that was intended or a bug.


Worth noting that some of the climbable ropes dont properly launch you upward, making them ineffective

(1 edit) (+5)(-4)

The difficulty is definitely strong, but I personally don't mind it. If only because it's completely consequence-free to fall in battle. Still, even with the difficulty, I'm having a blast with the demo in single player. Sometimes, I get knocked down a few times in the normal-difficulty dungeons going solo, but I'm okay with it personally. That being said, I know I'm not exactly a good defacto for the general consensus. If tuning the difficulty is something you think is a good suggestion, don't sweat it. Take your time and review what feels right for the game you're making. The amount of content you've been putting together in recent weeks has been nothing short of extraordinary.

My only struggle has been getting used to the controls. This game's definitely meant to be high-speed, very kinetic. But the control scheme feels more tuned for a traditional MMO, where you can stand still and not really need to worry about running around, constantly evading or real-time guarding against attacks. While gamepads are supported, the hotbar system in place makes no attempt to really play friendly at all with the layout of most controllers. If there's any features I feel this game needs re-evaluated, it might be the controls.


For the controls issue, this is just for PC, but I highly recommend setting something like "recovery" or some other frequent spell to R or E, with Charge attack override on the other if you have that enabled, and putting Recall on G or some other out of the way key. 1-5 are all left the same and easily reached from the standard WASD hand, and ZXCV can be mapped to the first 4 quickbar slots for all the healing you should ever need. Not sure why the standard loadout for keyes even has the F1-5 keys, but it is also a highly keybind-based game so I get that Kiseff probably ran out of space. (Oh, all this is assuming a QWERTY keyboard oop-)

Also, not sure why people are downvoting people just because they didn't struggle with the difficulty. I didn't personally that much either until the final Crypt level (and even then I'm underleveled, 16 currently), but I do still think singleplayer needs some better balance.


as a soul like player i couldn't tell XD. but good demo overall. would like to see the full release on steam so me and my friands can go ham


Don't feel pressured to change the game in a way that's not your image. I just personally found the difficulty with some enemies off putting, but in all honesty, I could just be underleveled or just bad at handling them. 

Super excited for this game. Keep up the good work!


demo not even out 24hrs and already getting casualized, smh

(5 edits) (+5)(-1)

Make your game how you see fit, i feel like the community on most things are split in two. I feel like the easiest thing to do but would require more work is to make the challenge optional and make all content at least accessible to everyone while still keeping it a challenge but not like a hardcore experience. Idk im not really good at explaining things but i feel like there should maybe be just a difficulty setting all together at the beginning of the game maybe. I hope it works out for you, all i can say is keep things balanced. The only issues i've had is when im in single player with a group of enemies 9 times out of 10 if i dont have any way to get away or have an aoe i just get screwed. Blocking or parrying in a group of enemies is just awful and i'd have to back off rather than retaliate, if all enemies decide to attack me at once then i most likely die. Im willing to admit that im bad at the game, im just voicing my concern with the difficulty. Maybe a way to scale the enemies down when you are a party of one or like i said before a difficulty toggle for the whole game and not just the dungeons if you want the challenge or not just so others dont complain. Other than that everything is fine and am looking forward to doing hard mode when i get leveled enough for it.

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Or better yet, just add accessibilty options so people can tailor their own difficulty since some people need some kind of hand holding in certain situations. Have the settings able to go up in difficulty or go down depending on the player, i feel like that would solve a lot of problems, but that can be fixed at another time since its only in alpha after all and these things take time. Dont let it get to you, it'll all get figured out.


I don't mind the difficulty really. If I had to change anything, it'd be the shop. Rather than have the shop sell stronger equipment, why not take advantage of the Quest system. Sally offers you a quest to find some supplies for her, you do it and turn in the quest. Lo and behold, the shop is upgraded to sell better equipment. A compromising fix. Beyond that, the game is fantastic.


I'm so sorry you're being pressured to make it easier, I was having a blast with the difficulty being the way it was. I hope people will back off and let you make the game how you want it to be, I love what you've done in this latest update, and I'm super excited to see what else is to come! <3


Don't worrie about it, take your time!